Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Beginning - of Crawling, Sitting, and Eating

This is one of the neatest times for a baby - right at the start of six months. It's the beginning of so many neat things - crawling, sitting, and eating. Noelle is trying all three, although with varying levels of success!


We introduced solids to Noelle shorty after the 4-month point. Once we'd mastered rice cereal we moved on to the more fun foods - green peas, carrots, and in the case of the picture below, sweet potatoes. We've been lucky, as so far Noelle has not shown any food allergies. And she loves all foods - yes, even green peas.

Of course, the hardest part of our battle of the wills. Noelle is convinced that she should be feeding herself!


Noelle hasn't shown the same passion for sitting as she has for eating and crawling. Oh, she'll sit up for a few seconds, but she quickly topples over. Honestly, I think she wants to go places. Crawling is of interest because it can take her places. Sitting ... not so much.
Nevertheless, I was able to snap this shot of her while she balanced herself in her boppy pillow.


Noelle is trying desperately to crawl! The legs are making progress, but she hasn't quite figured out how to make the hands work. But that's not stopping her from trying!